November 2016 Meeting Minutes

Nov.142016, Jocelyn Center, Claremont, CA 


Meeting called to order at 2:00 by President Lanore Pearlman who read from Hamlet Act 2. She welcomed members and guests, thanked hostesses and also welcomed guests from Pomona Catholic High school.


Secretary’s Report from last meeting has been distributed and was accepted as written.


Treasurer’s Report— Maria reported a balance of $2,287.48 in checking account  


Membership Report New Members:  Sharon Bagley and Kathryn Henkins.  Guests: Robin Hall, Carol Lerew, Pamela Stith and her four students from Pomona Catholic Girls High School.


Tea committee Next meeting will be our Christmas luncheon at Seaver House on Pomona college campus. Today’s committee is Adrienne Long and Jean Collinsworth 


Program report— Lucy Lynch introduced speaker Brian Elerding.  He recommended King Lear on Dec. 19 at Laemmle and movie related to Lear called No Pay, Nudity.  


Meeting adjourned after program for tea. 

Next meeting will be light luncheon at Seaver House in Claremont. 2:00, December 12. 2016.


Respectfully submitted 


Ellen Livingston, secretary